Vocabulary Terms

Primitive Data

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boolean data type
Primitive data type which uses a single bit to store a single true/false value
byte data type
Primitive data type capable of representing 8 bits of integer information
Case sensitivity
In programming, identifiers must use specific upper and lowercase characters
char data type
Primitive data type which stores a single character in Unicode
Character data
Bits that store individual letters, numbers or other single pieces of text
Control character
A bit pattern that represents directions rather than symbols, such as the end of a line or where to start pages
Data type
A certain kind of information, represented by a certain pattern of bits
double data type
Primitive data type capable of representing a 64 bit floating point number
float data type
Primitive data type capable of representing a 32 bit floating point number
Floating point
A way to represent numbers so the decimal point can be at a varying point; usually utilizes scientific notation
int data type
Primitive data type capable of representing 32 bits of integer information
A whole number, or the negative of a whole number
long data type
Primitive data type capable of representing 64 bits of integer information
Primitive data type
Type of data that is so fundamental that ways to represent it are built into Java
Scientific notation
A way of representing numbers including a coefficient times a base raised to an exponent
short data type
Primitive data type capable of representing 16 bits of integer information
A scheme using 16 or more bits per character so that a very large number of characters can be represented, nearly all of the characters in all of the world's languages