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Programming is facilitated by appropriate abstractions.
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An IDE with a built-in visual environment consisting of a world populated with actors.
Greenfoot act method
Something that every Actor in a Greenfoot scenario does, over and over again.
Greenfoot Actor class
Base class for other specific classes, which operate in a Greenfoot scenario.
Greenfoot Actor getWorldOfType method
Used to get a reference to the world object that an Actor exists within.
Greenfoot Actor getX method
Used to find the X coordinate of an Actor object in Greenfoot
Greenfoot Actor getY method
Used to find the Y coordinate of an Actor object in Greenfoot
Greenfoot getRandomNumber method
A static method to generate a random number from 0 (inclusive) to the parameter value minus 1
Greenfoot World class
Contains basic details about how the visual scenario is constructed. Can contain Actor objects.